Chiropractic Care For Babies With Colic

Zenaptic Chiropractic provides chiropractic care for babies with colic. We’re located in Vancouver near Andresen and Fourth Plain Blvd. Call our clinic to schedule a free consultation.

Video Transcription

Dr. Troy here, Zenaptic Chiropractic.

I want to talk about colic. A lot of parents, with newborns especially, will have colic like symptoms.

They will have digestive complaints, crying, fussy, keep mom and dad up for hours and hours. I’ve seen many babies who only get 2-3 hours of sleep at night.

Especially after the delivery process, the spinal bones can misalign due to the delivery process. Abraham Towbin, who is a medical researcher, says eighty percent of children born have misalignment in the upper neck due to the birth process which irritates the vagus nerve.

If you look at the chart, the vagus nerve comes right off the top of the upper cervical, innervates the digestive system. The digestive system doesn’t function properly when there is pressure on that vagus nerve, so it can create a colic like situation.

Chiropractic care is very safe, very effective, very gentle for newborns or even toddlers to help reduce colic.

There is research now that shows a ninety-three percent improvement in after just two weeks of chiropractic care. Specific correction is gentle. Sometimes we’ll use an instrument that is very light, it is called an activator, it puts a little motion into the vertebra to unlock the nerves so the nerve system can relax and the baby can calm down.

I’ve seen many cases where one, two,or three adjustments clear up the colic. Parents are happy, they can sleep. So if you have a newborn that is suffering from colic why not give chiropractic a try?

Dr. Troy, Zenaptic Chiropractic.

More Information On Colic And Chiropractic Care

crying baby in crib suffering from colicCan chiropractic care help babies with colic? Yep!!

Many infants these days suffer from colic, which is persistent and unexplained crying in children. Colic is mostly caused by intestinal gas. Sometimes it can be associated with an obstruction in the intestines or it can be other health issues, such as muscle spasms in the abdomen, hormonal imbalance, indigestion, over sensitivities to food, moodiness, fussiness, and a developing nervous system.

When babies have colic, they suffer from extreme discomfort and pain in their abdomens. Even though it is not a deadly illness, it can be very troubling to parents. Caregivers may feel stressed out due to his or her baby crying or hollering all night long from intense stomach cramps or pain.

Furthermore, this disease is considered a mystery because the exact cause of this illness may be unknown. There is not always a clear way to help babies who suffer from colic.

Infants usually start suffering from colic at two weeks old and it can last for months at a time. Babies are diagnosed with colic if they cry for more than three hours, more than three days out of a week and it lasts for three weeks or longer.  When conventional remedies fail, parents can turn to a chiropractor for assistance. This specialist can help a caregiver find a natural way to treat infantile colic and improve crying behavior.

Symptoms of Colic

Approximately 10 to 20 percent of infants are affected by colic. There are many signs that can exhibit colic, but may not actually be associated with it.

If you are concerned about your baby, seek help from your child’s primary care provider or pediatrician. Here are some common symptoms of colic:

  • Gas
  • Acid reflux
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Infection
  • Stomach pain
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Injury to a body part

These things can make your child be more fussy, moody, and irritable than normal.

Why is This Disease So Complicated to Understand?

Colic is a very confounding and perplexing disease. It can adversely impact the lives of the family and child experiencing these symptoms. Even though it cannot cause a lot of harm, it is very disruptive to a caregiver’s home environment.

Often, babies who are diagnosed with this illness may have an underlying health problem that the parents and doctors do not know about. Many of the treatments that are provided to treat colic may not be supported in scientific literature. Rather, these remedies seem to work because this disease may not last any longer than 60 to 90 days.

Caregivers need parental support, education, and alternative methods for helping them cope with this illness.

Treating Colic with Traditional Remedies

Depending on your child’s condition, different treatments may be more effective than others. As a parent, you may try one thing after another, until you find a remedy that will soothe your baby. If one method does not work, you are likely to move on to the next.

Sometimes, a caregiver cannot find one solution that will work for his or her child. Be careful not to depend on or use one cure that says it will work for all infants. Typically, these remedies are false and do not provide true results.

Science-based doctors approach colic in different ways from conventional pediatricians. These specialists understand how this disease can have a powerful impact on the lives of families due to a child’s excessive crying throughout the night. Parents may stay up all night holding, walking, rocking, and trying to soothe the distressed child.

A pediatrician may tell a caregiver to try a variety of things such as changing infant formula, breastfeeding, using special bottles to help a baby swallow less air, massaging the child’s stomach, using infant gas medicine, and utilizing sound to calm your little one. If these conventional methods do not work, parents must look for an alternative means.

How A Chiropractic Can Help Treat Your Baby’s Colic

Chiropractors look to find the cause of the dysfunction. Chiropractors work hard to address the underlying reasons why infants get colic; they just do not focus on remedying the symptoms.

Unfortunately, medical providers have not determined the exact cause of this disease and there is no promising treatment to end it. Giving babies medicine or drugs to treat their symptoms has not proven to be very effective. Some caregivers opt to wait until their children grow out of it.

Chiropractors think the main cause of colic is vertebral subluxationsor nerve dysfunction. This causes poor communication amid the brain and digestive organs inside of the body.

One remedy to help alleviate this problem is spinal adjustments because this helps to correct the nerve dysfunction in a child’s spine. This is a good treatment method for infantile colic because it may help relieve some of your child’s symptoms and reduce family stress at the same time.

Studies have shown that this therapeutic tool has been very successful at treating babies with colic because it had a 94 percent success rate. By gentle, light adjustments of the spines of infants, the children showed an improved response while under chiropractic care.

Putting Parents At Ease

Chiropractors can offer parents knowledgeable information and help them better understand infantile colic. These specialists can also provide caregivers with unique alternative remedies to naturally care for colic without giving their babies risky medication.

Some parents may be leery or afraid of letting their infants go to a chiropractor for care. Caregivers need to know that Dr. Troy will be very careful, gentle, and conservative with their children. Thus, the spinal adjustments made to children are safe and very specific to helping the condition.

Parents need to remember that this therapeutic system is a natural science and it does not restrict or stimulate the body’s function. Rather, it slowly restores your body’s normal body function.

Any nerve dysfunctions in the spinal area can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal system and other abdominal organs, which can interrupt stomach functions. Chiropractors can detect and correct these malformations in the spinal column that cause nerve damage, which results in gas, discomfort, and infantile colic in babies.

Restoring your child’s normal body functions in his or her nervous system, digestive tract, and other related organs can help make your infant happy and content again. These specialists can be a very valuable resource to help calm and relieve your baby’s colic tendencies.

Make An Appointment

Your next step is to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Troy. You can do this by calling our office. During your in office consultation, Dr. Troy will further explain how he can help your child reduce the suffering from colic. Call today to schedule your appointment!